If you need help interpreting your SAT results, we sat-tutoring-palo-alto-ca are here to assist link. You may already be a member of College Board if you’ve taken the SAT in the past weekend. Go to Student Score Reports, and log in using your College Board user name and password.
Your total score is a combined result of your Reading and Writing, and Math sections.
Compare your scores with those of other test takers to put your Total and Section score in a wider context. Depending where you live, other students who have taken the SAT may be included. This could include students in your district, state or country, as well as students worldwide. Percentiles can be used to determine what percentage of students in each group performed at your level.
The Knowledge and Skills section will help you to learn more about what your strengths are and where you could improve.
This section examines your performance on the four Reading, Writing, and Math content areas. You will also see what percentage of this section is taken up by each of these content areas. The performance score bands are taken from the Skills Insight Tool. This tool allows you to view skills that students who are performing at your grade level can usually demonstrate. It also includes sample questions and answers.
Below each score band you will find a list of skills and examples questions, along with the answers.
Score Reporting You can receive your SAT score in two different ways if you completed the test on a regular school day. If you entered your cell phone number during the SAT test, you can use the BigFuture School Mobile App to receive a message alerting you when your scores become available. Your school will provide a PDF score report.