How to Install an Inground Flamingo

An inground (or ground) flagpole is simply an above-ground flagpole. This pole is strong and permanent and can withstand winds up to 130 mph. Foundations are required for inground flagpoles, check my review here.

The foundation is created by digging a trench, wetting soil and pouring concrete. The wet concrete needs to be poured in a cylindrical groundsleeve. The groundsleeve is a thick, steel cylinder with an open top. It has a wide bottom. This protects flagpoles from concrete’s corrosive properties. Steel plates keep the groundsleeve on the outside in place. Steel wedges (made of steel) secure the flagpole’s central point on the outside. Ground spikes are included in groundsleeves that channel lightning. You don’t need to include ground spikes if you have fiberglass flagpoles.

An optional flash collar can be added to the foundation. This covers both ground sleeves and the pole’s base. To prevent rainwater from accumulating at the foundation’s foundation base, the space between collars and poles is sealed.

Your foundation must be strong enough to support the flagpole and not tip over. It is a good rule to keep 10 percent of the pole’s length underground.

Some flagpoles can be larger and will require professional installation. Ask the distributor or manufacturer to install it.

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