Pet Friendly Upholstery Care: How to Make Your Home Look Fresh and Welcome

It is not uncommon for the carpet cleaning North Shore to bring up an issue that many homeowners face: keeping furniture clean and odor-free in a pet friendly home. As much as pets bring us joy and companionship they are also responsible for fur, odors, or even accidents that can damage our furniture. A pet-friendly approach to upholstery cleaning ensures that your home is aesthetically pleasing and fresh smelling, while also being healthy for both your and your pet’s comfort – read here!

Cleaning regularly is the keystone for maintaining upholstery that’s pet friendly. When vacuuming furniture, use a pet-hair attachment to help eliminate pet hair, pet dander and dirt from the outside. These regular cleanings are essential in preventing pet dander buildup and fur, which is particularly troublesome for anyone with allergies.

In dealing with stains of any kind, but especially organic ones like urine or vomit it is essential to take action quickly. The sooner you remove the stain, the better. Mixing white vinegar with water is a great way to achieve a thorough clean. This solution is natural and neutralizes odors as well as helping break down stains. You should test out this solution by first testing it on a small inconspicuous spot of your upholstery.

The market is flooded with pet-friendly products that are not only DIY alternatives but also upholstery cleaners. These products can tackle pet-specific staining and odors with no harsh chemicals. Selecting cleaners with no dyes or fragrances can make pets uncomfortable.

A choice in upholstery fabric is something that many people overlook. If you have pets, choosing furniture with fabric that’s pet-friendly can make maintenance and cleaning easier. Fabrics like microfiber, suede, and canvas can be cleaned more easily than other fabrics.

Further, use of preventive measures like washable covers and throws can ease cleaning. These covers may be easily removed, washed and reused to maintain the cleanliness of the fabric underneath and lessen the need for frequent deep cleaning.

Carpet Care Specialists Mosman
50 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
(02) 8311 3724