What to check before sending a child to kindergarten

Parents often send their children to kindergarten before they are ready. These red flags will let you know if your child is ready for a nursery – click here!

Inability to engage/play/communicate with other children: – If a child is not able to communicate or play with other children despite reaching a certain age it is not ready for going to a preschool. Children can show interest in plays meant for younger children. If your child shows interest in the play, you should reconsider putting them into a kindergarten. It is necessary to provide more counseling with these children before they are sent to kindergarten.

Wild Behaviour/ Playing Very Aggressively: – Your child may not be ready for kindergarten if he behaves in such a way as to harm himself. Some children play with large toys in a very aggressive way. This can be dangerous. Some children are inclined to throw things. It can be harmful to them or other kids. These children need to be counseled before they go to kindergarten.

Inability of a child to describe their movements or inability to use a bathroom independently. – A child who is not able speak about his/her actions is likely not ready for kindergarten. A child should be able use the bathroom on their own. The latches on the door should be easily accessible to children.

Inability of a child to live alone for a few hours: – A child who is unable to live on his/her own for a few hours may not be ready for kindergarten. If you want to send your child to kindergarten, he/she should be able live without his/her parents for at least 5-6 hours.

Unwillingness or inability to follow instructions: – A child who is unable to follow the instruction of the teacher is not yet ready for kindergarten. Some children are unwilling to follow instructions. These children should be counselled at home before they are sent to kindergarten.

It is important to ensure that your child has the necessary skills before sending them to a preschool or international kindergarten.